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Sports - Farmhouse Pisa Montemari

The area around the farmhouse is ideal for any kind of sport. Nearby Palaia and other neighborhood villages you can practice horseback riding thanks to the presence of many riding rings. Mountan-Biking is also a must for those who love to explore the hills and the valleys around Pisa area. Nordic walking can be practiced along the rivers, and cable wakeboarding on the Braccini Lakes, a famous green area in Pontedera. It is possible to do Jogging along the countryside of Pisa trails to breath in clean air and enjoy the magnificent landscapes The area around San Giuliano Terme is a perfect place for paragliding, mountain biking, free climbing and birdwatching.

Sports - Farmhouse Pisa Montemari



Palaia (PI)

Sport - Agriturismo Pisa Montemari

Tag Agriturismo Montemari

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